Text Highlighter - Example 1

The Text Highlighter interaction permits textual elements to be selected and highlighted, thus creating a special type of hotText. Instead of defining this as a <hottextInteraction>, we use a <customInteraction> with the following signature:
<customInteraction class="tei-texthighlighter" identifier="RESPONSE"/>

The following is the complete <customInteraction> where the Text Highlighter interaction is enabled:

<customInteraction class="tei-texthighlighter" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE">
    Use the customOption element to specify the highlightable spans.
    You specify an array of span id's in the "selectable"; e.g., selectable: ["id1","id2"]
      contentDiv: "highlightableContent",
      selectable: ["p1s1","p1s2","p1s3","p1s4","p1s5","p1s6","p1s7","p2s1","p2s2","p2s3","p2s4","p2s5","p2s6","p2s7","p3s4"]
Get Responses:[ Click Get Responses ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<assessmentItem xmlns="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsqti_v2p1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" adaptive="false" 
  identifier="customInteraction-texthighlighter-1" timeDependent="false" 
  title="TextHighlighter - Adventure" 
  xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsqti_v2p1 http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsqti_v2p1.xsd">
  <responseDeclaration identifier="RESPONSE" cardinality="multiple" baseType="identifier">
  <outcomeDeclaration baseType="integer" cardinality="single" identifier="SCORE"/>
    <div class="row">
      <div class="span6">
        <div class="center" style="margin-bottom:8px;">
          <h4 style="margin-top:0px;">An Adventure in the Upper Sea</h4>
          from <em>Dutch Courage and Other Stories</em> by Jack London

        <div class="passage-scrolling">
          <div id="highlightableContent">
              <span id="p1s1">I am a retired captain of the upper sea.  </span>
              <span id="p1s2">That is to say, when I was a younger man (which is not so long ago) I was an aeronaut and navigated that aerial ocean which is all around about us and above us. </span>
              <span id="p1s3">Naturally it is a hazardous profession, and naturally I have had many thrilling experiences, the most thrilling, or at least the most nerve-racking, being the one I am about to relate. </span>

              <span id="p1s4">It happened before I went in for hydrogen gas balloons, all of varnished silk, doubled and lined, and all that, and fit for voyages of days instead of mere hours. </span>
              <span id="p1s5">The "Little Nassau" (named after the "Great Nassau" of many years back) was the balloon I was making ascents in at the time. </span>
              <span id="p1s6">It was a fair-sized, hot-air affair, of single thickness, good for an hour's flight or so and capable of attaining an altitude of a mile or more. </span>
              <span id="p1s7">It answered my purpose, for my act at the time was making half-mile parachute jumps at recreation parks and country fairs. </span>

              <span id="p2s1">Before you can understand what happened, I must first explain a bit about the nature of the hot air balloon which is used for parachute jumping. </span>
              <span id="p2s2">If you have ever witnessed such a jump, you will remember that directly the parachute was cut loose the balloon turned upside down, emptied itself of its smoke and heated air, flattened out and fell straight down, beating the parachute to the ground.</span>
              <span id="p2s3">This maneuver is accomplished by attaching a weight, at the end of a long rope, to the top of the balloon. </span>
              <span id="p2s5">The aeronaut, with his parachute and trapeze, hangs to the bottom of the balloon, and, weighing more, keeps it right side down. </span>
              <span id="p2s6">But when he lets go, the weight attached to the top immediately drags the top down, and the bottom, which is the open mouth, goes up, the heated air pouring out. </span>
              <span id="p2s7">The weight used for this purpose on the "Little Nassau" was a bag of sand. </span>

              <span id="p3s1">On the particular day I have in mind there was an unusually large crowd in attendance, and the police had their hands full keeping the people back.  </span>
              <span id="p3s2">As I came down from the dressing room I noticed two girls outside the ropes, of about fourteen and sixteen, and inside the rope a youngster of eight or nine. </span>
              <span id="p3s3">They were holding him by the hands, and he was struggling, excitedly and half in laughter, to get away from them.</span>
              <span id="p3s4">I thought nothing of it at the time—just a bit of childish play, no more; and it was only in the light of after events that the scene was impressed vividly upon me. </span>

              <span id="p3s5">"Keep them cleared out, George!" I called to my assistant. "We don't want any accidents." </span>

              <span id="p3s6">"Ay," he answered, "that I will, Charley." </span>

              <span id="p3s7">I tossed aside my overcoat, took my position, and gave the signal to let go. </span>
              <span id="p3s8">As you know, the first rush upward from the earth was very sudden, and this time the balloon, when it first caught the wind, heeled violently over and was longer than usual in righting. </span>
              <span id="p4s2">I looked down at the old familiar sight of the world rushing away from me. </span>
              <span id="p4s3">And there were the thousands of people, every face silently upturned. </span>
              <span id="p4s4">And the silence startled me, for, as crowds went, this was the time for them to catch their first breath and send up a roar of applause. </span>
              <span id="p4s5">But there was no hand-clapping, whistling, cheering—only silence. </span>
              <span id="p4s6">And instead, clear as a bell and distinct, without the slightest shake or quaver, came George's voice through the megaphone: </span>

              <span id="p4s7">"Ride her down, Charley! Ride the balloon down!"  </span>

              <span id="p4s8">What had happened? I waved my hand to show that I had heard, and began to think. </span>
              <span id="p4s9">Had something gone wrong with the parachute? </span>
              <span id="p4s10">Why should I ride the balloon down instead of making the jump which thousands were waiting to see? </span>
              <span id="p4s11">What was the matter? </span>
              <span id="p4s12b">And as I puzzled, I received another start. </span>
              <span id="p4s13">The earth was a thousand feet beneath, and yet I heard a child crying softly, and seemingly very close to hand. </span>
              <span id="p4s14">And though the "Little Nassau" was shooting skyward like a rocket, the crying did not grow fainter and fainter and die away. </span>
              <span id="p4s15">I confess I was almost on the edge of a funk, when, unconsciously following up the noise with my eyes, I looked above me and saw a boy astride the sandbag which was to bring the "Little Nassau" to earth. </span>
              <span id="p4s16">And it was the same little boy I had seen struggling with the two girls—his sisters, as I afterward learned.  </span>

              <span id="p5s1">There he was, astride the sandbag and holding on to the rope for dear life. </span>
              <span id="p5s2">They told me afterward, how, at the moment they were casting off the balloon, the little fellow had torn away from his sisters, ducked under the rope, and deliberately jumped astride the sandbag. </span>
              <span id="p5s3">It has always been a wonder to me that he was not jerked off in the first rush.  </span>

              <span id="p5s4">Well, I felt sick all over as I looked at him there, and I understood why the balloon had taken longer to right itself, and why George had called after me to ride her down. </span>
              <span id="p5s5">Should I cut loose with the parachute, the bag would at once turn upside down, empty itself, and begin its swift descent. </span>
              <span id="p5s6">The only hope lay in my riding her down and in the boy holding on. </span>
              <span id="p5s7">There was no possible way for me to reach him.  </span>

              <span id="p5s8">I thought far more quickly than it takes to tell all this, and realized on the instant that the boy's attention must be called away from his terrible danger. </span>
              <span id="p5s9">Exercising all the self-control I possessed, and striving to make myself very calm, I said cheerily: </span>

              <span id="p5s10">"Hello, up there, who are you!" </span>

              <span id="p5s11">He looked down at me, choking back his tears and brightening up, but just then the balloon ran into a cross-current, turned half around and lay over. </span>
              <span id="p5s12">This set him swinging back and forth, and he fetched the canvas another bump. </span>
              <span id="p5s13">Then he began to cry again. </span>

              <span id="p6s1">"Isn't it great?" I asked heartily, as though it was the most enjoyable thing in the world; and, without waiting for him to answer: "What's your name?"  </span>

              <span id="p6s2">"Tommy Dermott," he answered. </span>
              <span id="p6s3">"Glad to make your acquaintance, Tommy Dermott," I went on. "But I'd like to know who said you could ride up with me?" </span>

              <span id="p6s4">He laughed and said he just thought he'd ride up for the fun of it. </span>
              <span id="p6s5">And so we went on, I sick with fear for him, and cudgeling my brains to keep up the conversation. </span>
              <span id="p6s6">I knew that it was all I could do, and that his life depended upon my ability to keep his mind off his danger. </span>
              <span id="p6s7">I pointed out to him the great panorama spreading away to the horizon and four thousand feet beneath us. </span>

              <span id="p6s8">But he grew tired of looking around, and I could see he was beginning to get frightened. </span>

              <span id="p6s9">I was in despair.</span>
              <span id="p6s10">Then, suddenly, I remembered how one fright could destroy another fright, and I frowned up at him and shouted sternly: </span>

              <span id="p6s11">"You just hold on to that rope! If you don't I'll thrash you within an inch of your life when I get you down on the ground! Understand?"</span>

              <span id="p7s1">"Ye-ye-yes, sir," he whimpered, and I saw that the thing had worked. </span>
              <span id="p7s2">I was nearer to him than the earth, and he was more afraid of me than of falling.</span>

              <span id="p7s3">Then a thought struck him, and he forgot all about his aching fingers. </span>

              <span id="p7s4">"I don't care," I answered. </span>
              <span id="p7s5">"I'm feeling sort of lazy today, and I'm just going to ride down the balloon. </span>
              <span id="p7s6">It's my balloon and I guess I can do as I please about it. </span>
              <span id="p7s7">And, anyway, we're almost down now."  </span>

              <span id="p7s8">And we were, too, and sinking fast. </span>
              <span id="p7s9">And right there and then that youngster began to argue with me as to whether it was right for me to disappoint the people, and to urge their claims upon me.  </span>

              <span id="p7s10">"Hold on tight!" I shouted, swinging down from the trapeze by my hands in order to make a landing on my feet. </span>

              <span id="p7s11">We skimmed past a barn, missed a mesh of clothesline, frightened the barnyard chickens into a panic, and rose up again clear over a haystack—all this almost quicker than it takes to tell. </span>
              <span id="p7s12">Then we came down in an orchard, and when my feet had touched the ground I fetched up the balloon by a couple of turns of the trapeze around an apple tree. </span>

              <span id="p7s13">I have had my balloon catch fire in mid air, I have hung on the cornice of a ten-story house, I have dropped like a bullet for six hundred feet when a parachute was slow in opening; but never have I felt so weak and faint and sick as when I staggered toward the unscratched boy and gripped him by the arm.</span>
            <br /><br />

      <div class="span6">
        <div class="well">
            Read the passage, "An Adventure in the Upper Sea", to the left.  As you read it,
            select two sentences in which the author uses
            <em>foreshadowing</em> in the passage .
          <p style="margin-bottom:0;">
            Click or touch (iPad) a sentence to highlight it.

          <customInteraction class="tei-texthighlighter" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE">					
                contentDiv: "highlightableContent",
                selectable: ["p1s1","p1s2","p1s3","p1s4","p1s5","p1s6","p1s7","p2s1","p2s2","p2s3","p2s4","p2s5","p2s6","p2s7","p3s4"]


An Adventure in the Upper Sea

from Dutch Courage and Other Stories by Jack London

I am a retired captain of the upper sea. That is to say, when I was a younger man (which is not so long ago) I was an aeronaut and navigated that aerial ocean which is all around about us and above us. Naturally it is a hazardous profession, and naturally I have had many thrilling experiences, the most thrilling, or at least the most nerve-racking, being the one I am about to relate.

It happened before I went in for hydrogen gas balloons, all of varnished silk, doubled and lined, and all that, and fit for voyages of days instead of mere hours. The "Little Nassau" (named after the "Great Nassau" of many years back) was the balloon I was making ascents in at the time. It was a fair-sized, hot-air affair, of single thickness, good for an hour's flight or so and capable of attaining an altitude of a mile or more. It answered my purpose, for my act at the time was making half-mile parachute jumps at recreation parks and country fairs.

Before you can understand what happened, I must first explain a bit about the nature of the hot air balloon which is used for parachute jumping. If you have ever witnessed such a jump, you will remember that directly the parachute was cut loose the balloon turned upside down, emptied itself of its smoke and heated air, flattened out and fell straight down, beating the parachute to the ground. This maneuver is accomplished by attaching a weight, at the end of a long rope, to the top of the balloon. The aeronaut, with his parachute and trapeze, hangs to the bottom of the balloon, and, weighing more, keeps it right side down. But when he lets go, the weight attached to the top immediately drags the top down, and the bottom, which is the open mouth, goes up, the heated air pouring out. The weight used for this purpose on the "Little Nassau" was a bag of sand.

On the particular day I have in mind there was an unusually large crowd in attendance, and the police had their hands full keeping the people back. As I came down from the dressing room I noticed two girls outside the ropes, of about fourteen and sixteen, and inside the rope a youngster of eight or nine. They were holding him by the hands, and he was struggling, excitedly and half in laughter, to get away from them. I thought nothing of it at the time—just a bit of childish play, no more; and it was only in the light of after events that the scene was impressed vividly upon me.

"Keep them cleared out, George!" I called to my assistant. "We don't want any accidents."

"Ay," he answered, "that I will, Charley."

I tossed aside my overcoat, took my position, and gave the signal to let go. As you know, the first rush upward from the earth was very sudden, and this time the balloon, when it first caught the wind, heeled violently over and was longer than usual in righting. I looked down at the old familiar sight of the world rushing away from me. And there were the thousands of people, every face silently upturned. And the silence startled me, for, as crowds went, this was the time for them to catch their first breath and send up a roar of applause. But there was no hand-clapping, whistling, cheering—only silence. And instead, clear as a bell and distinct, without the slightest shake or quaver, came George's voice through the megaphone:

"Ride her down, Charley! Ride the balloon down!"

What had happened? I waved my hand to show that I had heard, and began to think. Had something gone wrong with the parachute? Why should I ride the balloon down instead of making the jump which thousands were waiting to see? What was the matter? And as I puzzled, I received another start. The earth was a thousand feet beneath, and yet I heard a child crying softly, and seemingly very close to hand. And though the "Little Nassau" was shooting skyward like a rocket, the crying did not grow fainter and fainter and die away. I confess I was almost on the edge of a funk, when, unconsciously following up the noise with my eyes, I looked above me and saw a boy astride the sandbag which was to bring the "Little Nassau" to earth. And it was the same little boy I had seen struggling with the two girls—his sisters, as I afterward learned.

There he was, astride the sandbag and holding on to the rope for dear life. They told me afterward, how, at the moment they were casting off the balloon, the little fellow had torn away from his sisters, ducked under the rope, and deliberately jumped astride the sandbag. It has always been a wonder to me that he was not jerked off in the first rush.

Well, I felt sick all over as I looked at him there, and I understood why the balloon had taken longer to right itself, and why George had called after me to ride her down. Should I cut loose with the parachute, the bag would at once turn upside down, empty itself, and begin its swift descent. The only hope lay in my riding her down and in the boy holding on. There was no possible way for me to reach him.

I thought far more quickly than it takes to tell all this, and realized on the instant that the boy's attention must be called away from his terrible danger. Exercising all the self-control I possessed, and striving to make myself very calm, I said cheerily:

"Hello, up there, who are you!"

He looked down at me, choking back his tears and brightening up, but just then the balloon ran into a cross-current, turned half around and lay over. This set him swinging back and forth, and he fetched the canvas another bump. Then he began to cry again.

"Isn't it great?" I asked heartily, as though it was the most enjoyable thing in the world; and, without waiting for him to answer: "What's your name?"

"Tommy Dermott," he answered.

"Glad to make your acquaintance, Tommy Dermott," I went on. "But I'd like to know who said you could ride up with me?"

He laughed and said he just thought he'd ride up for the fun of it. And so we went on, I sick with fear for him, and cudgeling my brains to keep up the conversation. I knew that it was all I could do, and that his life depended upon my ability to keep his mind off his danger. I pointed out to him the great panorama spreading away to the horizon and four thousand feet beneath us.

But he grew tired of looking around, and I could see he was beginning to get frightened.

I was in despair. Then, suddenly, I remembered how one fright could destroy another fright, and I frowned up at him and shouted sternly:

"You just hold on to that rope! If you don't I'll thrash you within an inch of your life when I get you down on the ground! Understand?"

"Ye-ye-yes, sir," he whimpered, and I saw that the thing had worked. I was nearer to him than the earth, and he was more afraid of me than of falling.

Then a thought struck him, and he forgot all about his aching fingers.

"I don't care," I answered. "I'm feeling sort of lazy today, and I'm just going to ride down the balloon. It's my balloon and I guess I can do as I please about it. And, anyway, we're almost down now."

And we were, too, and sinking fast. And right there and then that youngster began to argue with me as to whether it was right for me to disappoint the people, and to urge their claims upon me.

"Hold on tight!" I shouted, swinging down from the trapeze by my hands in order to make a landing on my feet.

We skimmed past a barn, missed a mesh of clothesline, frightened the barnyard chickens into a panic, and rose up again clear over a haystack—all this almost quicker than it takes to tell. Then we came down in an orchard, and when my feet had touched the ground I fetched up the balloon by a couple of turns of the trapeze around an apple tree.

I have had my balloon catch fire in mid air, I have hung on the cornice of a ten-story house, I have dropped like a bullet for six hundred feet when a parachute was slow in opening; but never have I felt so weak and faint and sick as when I staggered toward the unscratched boy and gripped him by the arm.

Read the passage, "An Adventure in the Upper Sea", to the left. As you read it, select two sentences in which the author uses foreshadowing in the passage .

Click or touch (iPad) a sentence to highlight it.