TestNav8 supports many different QTI 2.1, QTI 2.2, APIP, and QTI 3 interaction types, styling attributes for interactions, item behaviors, manipulatives, and much more. Click on the options below to view and interact with these interactions, their styling attributes, and the QTI used to produce the interaction.

  • Jan
    Grouped Draggers in Gap Match Interactions Released
    Combine gapText elements into labeled containers in the TN8.5 release.
  • Oct
    Drawing Interaction Released
    Freeform drawing and line drawing are supported in the TN8.5 release.
  • Jan
    JET RichText Editor Released
    JET is the long-awaited replacement for the legacy "Tiny" RTE. JET is 10x smaller, faster, and more suitable for assessment than is Tiny.
  • Nov
    Rich Inline Choice Interaction Released
    Mix text + MathML + Images in your inline choice interactions with "Rich" Inline Choice.
  • Nov
    Audio Recorder Interaction Released
    The audio recording interaction permits capture of a spoken audio stream.
  • June
    Equation Editor Examples Added
    Included now are eight examples on how to configure the equation editor. In addition, new examples were added for Hotspot and Matching Interactions.
  • Apr
    Exhibits Example Released
    Embed exhibits in your items with simple ItemBody markup. Exhibits are displayed in a modal dialog, with a tab for each exhibit. Each exhibit can be simple markup, or even contain a scrolling passage.
  • Nov
    Match - Table Grid & GapMatch - Gap Table Released
    You've been clamoring for more formatting and style features for Matching interactions. Now there are some nifty new options for Match and GapMatch interactions.
  • Nov
    Tabbed Passage Widget Released
    Now you can include a handy Tab Control inside your items, and even embed Scrolling Passages inside your Tabs.
  • Nov
    Match, GapMatch, GraphicGapMatch "matchGroup" Support Released
    All three "match" interactions now support the QTI matchGroup attribute on Source draggers and drag Targets.
  • Sep
    Complex Slider Released
    Overlay a horizontally or vertically oriented slider on top of a background image, and permit further styling of the Slider Interaction.
  • Sep
    Match, GapMatch, GraphicGapMatch Cloning Support Released
    All three "match" interactions now support Cloning of draggers using standard QTI matchMax instructions. Also included in this release is a complete rewrite of GapMatch - resulting in some significant improvements in usability.
  • Aug
    Passage Paging Widget Released
    For those cases when you want to page through passage content, use the Passage Paging widget, which combines Paging and Scrolling into one component.
  • Aug
    Glossary Plugin Released
    Add Glossary Definitions to terms in your items using the TN8 Glossary plugin!
  • Aug
    Video, and Audio Plugins Released
    Specify multiple video/audio codecs to cover most different Browser/Device HTML5 combinations. For old, HTML4 browsers (IE8), Flash is used for rendering and playback.
  • Aug
    Shape Transformation Released
    Define a set of polygons, each with a different rotation. Then permit the user to drag those polygons onto a coordinate plane.
  • Aug
    Complex Hotspot Released
    When a "normal" hotpsotInteraction doesn't offer the hotspot fidelity you need, you can now tap into the Complex Hotspot plugin.
  • Aug
    Function Graph Released
    With the Function Graphing interaction you can choose from a variety of different function line/curves, then adjust points on the chosen line/curves.
  • June
    Text Extractor and TextHighlighter Interactions Released!
    These text selection interactions provide item authors with innovative new ways to assess literacy using authentic settings.
  • June
    Fraction Model, and Zoom Numberline Released
    Zoom Numberline is a version of Numberline which permits the candidate to "drill down" into a Numberline and select finer-grained numberline marks.
  • June
    Line Graph, Scatter Plot, and Polygon Graphing Released
    Pearson has developed an interaction script library called "Point Graph" which encapsulates three different interactions: Line Graph, Scatter Plot, and Polygon Graph.
  • Apr
    TN8 Production Release
    After 9 months of collaboration, development and testing, TN8 was released - on schedule. Congratulations to all (content AND technology) who had a hand in this effort.