Graphic Gap Match - Cloning

Match interaction are those that operate in much the same way as multiple choice interaction, however the presentation is such that the student must move the items from an initial bay of selections into the proper bay locations. These interactions are the electronic kin to pen-and-paper matching questions where draw lines connecting items in a list on one side of the page to the corresponding items on the other side of the page.

Graphic Gap Match interactions operate via code that differs from standard match interations in that the items being used are not represented as standard text, but are images (graphics) instead. As such, the presentation options differ. See the basic Graphic Gap Match style-guide entery for more information on this.


You can specify cloning options for your source gapImg by adjusting the matchMax attribute of each gapImg. Settings for matchMax follow standard QTI conventions:

  • matchMax="0" — means that you can create an unlimited number of cloned choices
  • matchMax="1" — indicates one choice
  • matchMax="2" — indicates two choices
  • etc.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<assessmentItem xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
adaptive="false" identifier="GGM-timeline-cloning" timeDependent="false" title="Timeline GGM - Cloning"
  <responseDeclaration baseType="directedPair" cardinality="multiple" identifier="RESPONSE">
      <value>DraggerD B</value>
      <value>DraggerC C</value>
      <value>DraggerA D</value>
      <value>DraggerB A</value>
  <outcomeDeclaration baseType="float" cardinality="single" identifier="SCORE" />
    	GGM Cloning Sampler:  You can clone <em>Cold War</em> unlimited times, <em>WW II</em> up 
    	to two times, and <em>Vietnam</em> or <em>Bay of Pigs</em> once.
    <graphicGapMatchInteraction class="choices-top sourcechoices-width-376px" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE">
      <object alt="timeline" data="images/timeline-558.png" height="326" type="image/png" width="558" />
      <gapImg identifier="DraggerA" matchMax="0">
        <object data="images/a-cw.png" alt="a-cw" height="63" type="image/png" width="78" />
      <gapImg identifier="DraggerB" matchMax="2">
        <object data="images/b-ww2.png" alt="b-ww2" height="63" type="image/png" width="78" />
      <gapImg identifier="DraggerC" matchMax="1">
        <object data="images/c-vietnam.png" alt="c-vietnam" height="63" type="image/png" width="78" />
      <gapImg identifier="DraggerD" matchMax="1">
        <object data="images/d-bay.png" alt="d-bay" height="63" type="image/png" width="78" />
      <associableHotspot coords="55,256,133,319" identifier="A" matchMax="1" shape="rect" />
      <associableHotspot coords="190,256,268,319" identifier="B" matchMax="1" shape="rect" />
      <associableHotspot coords="309,256,387,319" identifier="C" matchMax="1" shape="rect" />
      <associableHotspot coords="450,256,528,319" identifier="D" matchMax="1" shape="rect" />
  <responseProcessing template=""/>

Graphic Gap Match Cloning Sampler: You can clone Cold War unlimited times, WW II up to two times, and Vietnam or Bay of Pigs once.