Inline Choice Interaction

The QTI class inlineChoiceInteraction, by default does not indicate the size of the choice box.

You can override this setting by setting the interaction's class attribute as:

Class Width
input-mini 60 px
input-small 90 px
input-medium 150 px
input-large 210 px
input-xlarge 270 px
input-xxlarge 530 px

Custom Prompt

There is now the option for a custom-prompt to customize the prompt text. If you did not specify a custom-prompt, the default will be 'Choose...' (without the quotes). If you specified a custom-prompt, then that will appear in the inline choice as the prompt text.
If you did not want any prompt to display, set the class as follows: class="custom-prompt:%20".
Here is an example with the prompt "Hello World":

<inlineChoiceInteraction class="baseline custom-prompt:Hello%20World" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE" shuffle="false">

Get Responses:[ Click Get Responses ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<assessmentItem xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
identifier="inlineChoice" title="Richard III (Take 2)" adaptive="false" timeDependent="false">
  <responseDeclaration identifier="RESPONSE" cardinality="single" baseType="identifier">
  <outcomeDeclaration identifier="SCORE" cardinality="single" baseType="float" />
    <p>Identify the missing word in this famous quote from Shakespeare's Richard III.</p>
      <p>Now is the winter of our discontent
      <br />Made glorious summer by this sun of 
      <inlineChoiceInteraction responseIdentifier="RESPONSE" shuffle="false">
        <inlineChoice identifier="G">Gloucester</inlineChoice>
        <inlineChoice identifier="L">Lancaster</inlineChoice>
        <inlineChoice identifier="Y">York</inlineChoice>
      <br />And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house
      <br />In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.</p>
  <responseProcessing template="" />

Identify the missing word in this famous quote from Shakespeare's Richard III.

Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of ;
And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.