Gap Match - with Match Grouping

Match interaction are those that operate in much the same way as multiple choice interaction, however the presentation is such that the student must move the items from an initial bay of selections into the proper bay locations. These interactions are the electronic kin to pen-and-paper matching questions where draw lines connecting items in a list on one side of the page to the corresponding items on the other side of the page.

A match interaction is comprised of two sets of of items (i.e., simpleAssociableChoice items) grouped within simpleMatchSet tags. The first set defines the draggers which will begin in a single origin bay. The second set defines the various target bays in which the draggers can be placed. Each dragger can be moved into a target bay to create a directedPair answer.

Starting with TN8 version 8.3, the draggers will maintain their initial order within the origin bay if they are removed from a target bay, dropped outside of the various defined bays, or returned to the origin bay.

Match Grouping

This example shows how you can restrict draggers so that they can be dropped into specific bays or excluded from certain bays. Here there is the following draggers:

  • Fixed Costs
  • Price-based Costing
  • Cost-base Pricing
  • Variable Costs
  • Cost Analysis

Also, there's the two drop bays with identifiers bay1 and bay2. If you want to restrict draggers into specific bays, first define the matchGroup for a drop bay: gap identifier="bay1" matchGroup="ma".

Then specify the same matchGroup against the draggers. In this way, only draggers which have matchGroup="ma" can be dropped into bay1, for example:

<gapText identifier="Cost-based" matchMax="1" matchGroup="ma">Cost-based Pricing</gapText>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<assessmentItem xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" adaptive="false" identifier="VJ-gapMatchInteraction_3" timeDependent="false" title="VJ-gapMatchInteraction_3" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <responseDeclaration baseType="directedPair" cardinality="multiple" identifier="RESPONSE">
            <value>Variable bay1</value>
            <value>Cost-based bay2</value>
    <outcomeDeclaration baseType="integer" cardinality="single" identifier="SCORE"/>
        <div>Identify the missing words:<br/>
            <gapMatchInteraction responseIdentifier="RESPONSE" shuffle="false"> 
                <gapText identifier="Variable" matchMax="1">Variable Costs</gapText>
                <gapText identifier="Fixed" matchMax="1">Fixed Costs</gapText>
                <gapText identifier="Cost-based" matchMax="1" matchGroup="ma">Cost-based Pricing</gapText>
                <gapText identifier="Price-based" matchMax="1">Price-based Costing</gapText>
                <gapText identifier="Cost-analysis" matchMax="1" >Cost Analysis</gapText>
                <p>These are costs that are the same regardless of how many items you sell <gap identifier="bay1" matchGroup="ma"/>.These are the recurring costs that you absort with each unit you sell <gap identifier="bay2" matchMax="1"/></p>
    <responseProcessing template=""/>

Identify the missing words:

  • Variable Costs
  • Fixed Costs
  • Cost-based Pricing
  • Price-based Costing
  • Cost Analysis

These are costs that are the same regardless of how many items you sell .These are the recurring costs that you absort with each unit you sell