Manipulatives - Example 2

In TN8 we've introduced a way to inject custom "manipulatives" into an item. What's a manipulative? Technically, it's an object containing markup, script, and script libraries, used to create a dynamic element or "widget" in an item. From a practical standpoint, a manipulative will typically be an animation, a simulation, or some other type of component that a student can manipulate.

To create a manipulative in an item, you use a new type of <object> that we've defined. An object of type text/plugin+xml:
<object data="null" type="text/plugin+xml">

Inside this object tag you define <param> tags to describe the markup, script and scriptlibs parameters of the object. Here's an example of the object tag used to create the slideshow below.

<object data="null" type="text/plugin+xml">
  <param name="script" value="script" valuetype="DATA"><![CDATA[
    	animation: "slide"
  <param name="scriptlibs" value="scriptlibs" valuetype="DATA"><![CDATA[
    { "src":"public/javascripts/jquery.flexslider.min.js","key":"flexslider" }
Get Responses:[ Click Get Responses ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<assessmentItem xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
identifier="Order-vertical-1" title="Order - vertical" adaptive="false" timeDependent="false">
  <responseDeclaration identifier="RESPONSE" cardinality="single" baseType="identifier">
  <outcomeDeclaration identifier="SCORE" cardinality="single" baseType="integer" />
    <div class="row">
      <div class="span6">
        <div id="myslider" class="flexslider">
          <ul class="slides">
              <img alt="image10" src="assets/images/image10.jpg" />
              <img alt="image7" src="assets/images/image7.jpg" />
              <img alt="image4" src="assets/images/image4.jpg" />
              <img alt="image1" src="assets/images/image1.jpg" />
        <object data="null" type="text/plugin+xml">
          <param name="script" value="script" valuetype="DATA"><![CDATA[
            jQuery(function () {
                animation: "slide"
          <param name="scriptlibs" value="scriptlibs" valuetype="DATA"><![CDATA[
            { "src":"public/javascripts/jquery.flexslider.min.js","key":"flexslider" }

      <div class="span6">
        <div class="well">
            According to the slideshow to the left, which blah blah blah?
          <div class="pad8 whitebg">
            <choiceInteraction maxChoices="1" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE">
              <simpleChoice identifier="A">Choice A</simpleChoice>
              <simpleChoice identifier="B">Choice B</simpleChoice>
              <simpleChoice identifier="C">Choice C</simpleChoice>
              <simpleChoice identifier="D">Choice D</simpleChoice>
  <responseProcessing template="" />
  • image10
  • image7
  • image4
  • image1

According to the slideshow to the left, which blah blah blah?