Hotspot Interaction - Complex Hotspot with Global Images

This is an example of a Complex Hotspot interaction that uses shared images for each hotspot. To save time and coding, you first define a globalMainShape callback function, and an alterMainShape function, then reference those these functions in your array of hotspot definitions.

...more description to come...

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<assessmentItem xmlns=""
  identifier="complex-hotspot-4" title="UK Airports - Complex Hotspot with Global Images - Single Cardinality" adaptive="false" timeDependent="false">
  <responseDeclaration identifier="RESPONSE" cardinality="multiple" baseType="identifier">
  <outcomeDeclaration identifier="SCORE" cardinality="single" baseType="float"/>
    <div class="row">
      <div class="span6">
        <h4>Complex Hotspot (Single Cardinality)</h4>
          This item shows how you can use Complex Hotspot to implement a wide variety of hotspot
          shapes, with the ability to use predefined images in <em>globalMainShape</em> 
          and <em>globalAlterShape</em> for your hotspot shapes.
          The picture to the right illustrates four of the most popular orange juice destinations for air travelers arriving
          in the United Kingdom: London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Glasgow.
          Which one of the orange juice destinations is London?
      <div class="span6">
        <!-- we will use these images as a hotspot shapes.  note how they are hidden -->
        <object id="airportImage" class="hidden" data="images/airport.png" type="image/png" width="24" height="24" alt="airport" />
        <object id="orangeImage" class="hidden" data="images/orange.png" type="image/png" width="24" height="24" alt="orange" />
        <customInteraction class="tei-complexhotspot" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE">
          <object type="image/png" width="206" height="280" data="images/uk.png">UK Map</object>
          <hotspotChoice shape="rect" coords="65,103,89,127" identifier="A"/>
          <hotspotChoice shape="rect" coords="106,172,130,196" identifier="B"/>
          <hotspotChoice shape="rect" coords="138,223,162,247" identifier="C"/>
          <hotspotChoice shape="rect" coords="84,102,108,126" identifier="D"/>
              identifier : 'RESPONSE',
              cardinality : 'single',
              maxChoices : 1,
              globalMainShape : function(paper,attr) {
                var _imgSrc = $('#orangeImage').attr('src');
                var _img = paper.image(_imgSrc, attr.left,, attr.width, attr.height);
                return [_img];
              globalAlterShape : function(paper,attr) {
                var _imgSrc = $('#airportImage').attr('src');
                var _img = paper.image(_imgSrc, attr.left,, attr.width, attr.height);
                return [_img];
                  identifier: 'A',
                  mainShape:  'globalMainShape',
                  alterShape: 'globalAlterShape',
                  preSelected: false
                  identifier: 'B',
                  mainShape:  'globalMainShape',
                  alterShape: 'globalAlterShape',
                  preSelected: false
                  identifier: 'C',
                  mainShape:  'globalMainShape',
                  alterShape: 'globalAlterShape',
                  preSelected: false
                  identifier: 'D',
                  mainShape:  'globalMainShape',
                  alterShape: 'globalAlterShape',
                  preSelected: false

Complex Hotspot (Single Cardinality)

This item shows how you can use Complex Hotspot to implement a wide variety of hotspot shapes, with the ability to use predefined images in globalMainShape and globalAlterShape for your hotspot shapes.

The picture to the right illustrates four of the most popular orange juice destinations for air travelers arriving in the United Kingdom: London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Which one of the orange juice destinations is London?