Choice Interaction - Multiple Cardinality

Choice Interactions, whether single or multiple cardinality, list interaction choices vertically by default. For example, if you have four choices for an interaction, each choice is listed on a separate line.

If you have six or more choices, however, it is recommended that you use one of the following up classes to create multiple columns of choices. For example, two-up will break the choices into two separate columns.

two-up three-up four-up five-up

The sample item uses the three-up class:

<choiceInteraction responseIdentifier="RESPONSE" class="three-up" maxChoices="3">

Maximum Choices

For multiple cardinality items, maxChoices is ignored when set to a value less than two (i.e., 0, 1). See Single Cardinality choice interactions for interactions where you want only one possible choice. If this is set to a value of 0 (or 1), the maxChoices is interpreted to be infinite; the student could select all of the items as their answer if they so desire. If set to a value greater than 2, and less than the number of answers offered, then the student is limited to that number of selections. If they attempt to make an additional choice, the system will let them know that they have reached their limit.

Max Choices Message

There is now the option to customize the maxChoices-message that appears when too many choices have been selected. Below is an example message that will show
"Only select two cities"

<choiceInteraction responseIdentifier="RESPONSE" maxChoices="3" class="maxChoices-message:Only%20select%20two%20cities">

Minimum Choices

There is now an option for multiple cardinality items to set the minimum amount of choices (minChoices) the student must make before the question is considered 'Answered', and until the minChoices have been met the item status will remain 'Not Answered'.

If minChoices is undefined, then the default is set to 1 and the item is considered answered if one choice exists.
If minChoices is specified as 0, then the item is also considered answered if only one choice exists.
If minChoices is any number greater than 1, the student must make that number of choices before the item is considered answered.

<choiceInteraction responseIdentifier="RESPONSE" minChoices="2" maxChoices="3">

Label Types

There is now the option to specify what type of label you want for each answer choice by adding these classes to the <choiceInteraction> in the XML :
labels-alpha : Capital alphabetic labels in front of the answer choices. (A., B., C., D., etc.)
labels-numeric : Numerical labels in front of the answer choices. (1., 2., 3., 4., etc.)

You can also specify whether or not you want a period to be placed after the label.
suffix-period : A period will appear after the label specified. (A., B., or 1., 2.)
suffix-none : No period will appear after the label specified. (A, B, or 1, 2)

There is also an option for no labels in front of the answer choices.
labels-none : No labels or suffix in front of the answer choices.

If no label or suffix is specified, the default label will be labels-alpha suffix-period. (A. B. C. D. ...)

An example of adding these classes is shown below. The example shows labels that will be alphabetic with a period as the suffix.
<choiceInteraction responseIdentifier="RESPONSE" class="two-up labels-alpha suffix-period" maxChoices="1">

Get Responses:[ Click Get Responses ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<assessmentItem xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
identifier="choiceMultiple" title="Composition of Water" adaptive="false" timeDependent="false">
  <responseDeclaration identifier="RESPONSE" cardinality="multiple" baseType="identifier">
    <mapping lowerBound="0" upperBound="2" defaultValue="-2">
      <mapEntry mapKey="H" mappedValue="1" />
      <mapEntry mapKey="O" mappedValue="1" />
      <mapEntry mapKey="Cl" mappedValue="-1" />
  <outcomeDeclaration identifier="SCORE" cardinality="single" baseType="float" />
    <choiceInteraction responseIdentifier="RESPONSE" maxChoices="3">
      <prompt>Which of the following elements are used to form water?</prompt>
      <simpleChoice identifier="H">Hydrogen</simpleChoice>
      <simpleChoice identifier="He">Helium</simpleChoice>
      <simpleChoice identifier="C">Carbon</simpleChoice>
      <simpleChoice identifier="O">Oxygen</simpleChoice>
      <simpleChoice identifier="N">Nitrogen</simpleChoice>
      <simpleChoice identifier="Cl">Chlorine</simpleChoice>
  <responseProcessing template="" />

Which of the following elements are used to form water?