Audio Recorder

  1. The audio recorder lets you record for a specified number of seconds. It can be configured through the recordingLength parameter as follows - <param name="recordingLength" value="15"/>. The value is in 'seconds'. If a value is not defined then the default is 120 seconds. The maximum recording time is 300 seconds.

  2. The audio recorder lets you choose if the recorded file can be reviewed (i.e. played back). It can be configured through the allowReview parameter as follows - <param name="allowReview" value="true"/>. The value is a Boolean - 'true' or 'false'. If the value is not defined then the default is 'false'.

  3. The audio recorder lets you choose if the recorded file can be discarded and re-recorded. It can be configured through the attempts parameter as follows - <param name="attempts" value="2"/>. The value is a Number that is greater than or equal to 0. 0 means unlimited attempts, and any number greater than 0 represents the number of attempts. If the value is not defined then the default is '1'.

    NOTE: When authoring composite items with multiple audio recorders, the item should be designed to ensure the sum of all audio responses captured on the page is 300 seconds or less.

Get Responses:[ Click Get Responses ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><assessmentItem xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" adaptive="false" identifier="S82013-audiocapture" timeDependent="false" title="S82013-audiocapture" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<responseDeclaration baseType="file" cardinality="single" identifier="RESPONSE"/>
	<outcomeDeclaration baseType="float" cardinality="single" identifier="SCORE"/>
		<div class="row">
			<div class="span6">

				<customInteraction class="tei-audiocapture" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE">
						Click the Record button and say "Hello World", then click Pause.  Recording Length value is set to 15 seconds.
					<param name="recordingLength" value="15" valuetype="DATA"/>
					<param name="allowReview" value="true" valuetype="DATA"/>
					<param name="attempts" value="3" valuetype="DATA"/>

Click the Record button and say "Hello World", then click Pause. Recording Length value is set to 15 seconds.