Composite Equation Editor Items

As with all TestNav 8 interactions, you can create composite EE items. In this example there are two EE interactions:

1. Math-only EE with grades 3-5 palette

2. Text+Math EE with grades 3-5 palette

	<div class="span8" style="margin-bottom:8px;">
		<p>This is a textEntryInteraction with class="tei-ee-el". This is an equation editor with a grades 3-5 palette.</p>
		<textEntryInteraction class="tei-ee-el" expectedLength="15" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE_A"/>
		<p>This is an extendedTextInteraction with class="tei-ee-el". Enter <em>text+math</em> using this equation editor with a grades 3-5 palette.</p>
		<extendedTextInteraction class="tei-ee-el" expectedLength="15" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE_B"/>
If you have multiple EE interactions in the same item, make sure you have equivalent responseDeclaration elements, so in this case you will have two responseDelaration's as follows.

<responseDeclaration cardinality="record" identifier="RESPONSE_A"/>

<responseDeclaration cardinality="record" identifier="RESPONSE_B"/>

Get Responses:[ Click Get Responses ]
	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><assessmentItem xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" adaptive="false" identifier="composite-ee" timeDependent="false" title="composite EE - two interactions" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<responseDeclaration cardinality="record" identifier="RESPONSE"/>
	<responseDeclaration cardinality="record" identifier="RESPONSE1"/>
	<outcomeDeclaration baseType="integer" cardinality="single" identifier="SCORE"/>
	<div class="row">
		<div class="span8" style="margin-bottom:8px;">
			<p>This is a textEntryInteraction with class="tei-ee-el".  This is an equation editor with a grades 3-5 palette.</p>
			<textEntryInteraction class="tei-ee-el" expectedLength="15" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE"/>
			<p>This is an extendedTextInteraction with class="tei-ee-el".  Enter <em>text+math</em> using this equation editor with a grades 3-5 palette.</p>
			<extendedTextInteraction class="tei-ee-el" expectedLength="15" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE1"/>

This is a textEntryInteraction with class="tei-ee-el". This is an equation editor with a grades 3-5 palette.

This is an extendedTextInteraction with class="tei-ee-el". Enter text+math using this equation editor with a grades 3-5 palette.