Match Interaction

A Match interaction is comprised of two simpleMatchSet's, each of which contain simpleAssociableChoice's. The first simpleMatchSet defines the sources. The second set defines the targets into which the sources can be placed. A source moved into a target creates a directedPair match.

Starting with TN8 version 8.3, the draggers will maintain their initial order within the origin bay if they are removed from a target bay, dropped outside of the various defined bays, or returned to the origin bay.


There are two presentation options for match items that can you can use to format the source draggers. Both presentation options are set using the interaction's class attribute.

"Up" Classes

You can override the display of sources and targets by using the convenient up classes:


For example, if you have four source Choices, but want to stack them in two rows of two, then you can add the source-two-up class to the interaction.

There are two other styling options for the <simpleAssociableChoice>'s. Sometimes, you have longer blocks of text, sentences, or paragraphs in your sources or targets. If so, you should consider applying the text and left classes to these sources/targets as follows <simpleAssociableChoice class="text left" ... >. This will remove the bold font treatment and left-align the text (which is centered by default). One final styling option for source choices only: to apply a white background to source choices, use the whitebg class.

Dragger position

There are several options for the layout of the source bay relative to the target bay.

<matchInteraction class="choices-top"> : choices appear above the target bays (default)
<matchInteraction class="choices-bottom"> : choices appear below the target bays
<matchInteraction class="choices-left"> : choices appear to the left of target bays

Note: "choices-right" is not available for match interactions.

Minimum Associations

There is now an option for match items to set the minimum amount of associations (minAssociations) the student must make before the question is considered 'Answered', and until the minAssociations have been met the item status will remain 'Not Answered'.

If minAssociations is undefined, then the default is set to 1 and the item is considered answered if one association exists.
If minAssociations is specified as 0, then the item is also considered answered if only one association exists.
If minAssociations is any number greater than 1, the student must make that number of associations before the item is considered answered.

Ignore Answer

If a match interaction is inside a composite item there is an option to have the match interaction be ignored when the answered status of the item is being determined. To do this, add the class ignore-answered to the interactions class attribute.
Example: <matchInteraction maxAssociations="4" class="ignore-answered" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE">

Get Responses: [ Click Get Responses ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<assessmentItem xmlns="" xmlns:xi=""
xmlns:xsi="" adaptive="false" identifier="match" timeDependent="false" 
title="match" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <responseDeclaration baseType="directedPair" cardinality="multiple" identifier="RESPONSE">
      <value>L B1</value>
      <value>C B1</value>
      <value>S B2</value>
      <value>W B2</value>
  <outcomeDeclaration baseType="float" cardinality="single" identifier="SCORE" />
    <p>Drag the boxes to place each animal in the correct category.</p>
    <matchInteraction maxAssociations="4" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE">
        <simpleAssociableChoice identifier="W" matchMax="1">Worms</simpleAssociableChoice>
        <simpleAssociableChoice identifier="C" matchMax="1">Cats</simpleAssociableChoice>
        <simpleAssociableChoice identifier="S" matchMax="1">Spiders</simpleAssociableChoice>
        <simpleAssociableChoice identifier="L" matchMax="1">Lizards</simpleAssociableChoice>
        <simpleAssociableChoice identifier="B1" matchMax="1">Vertebrate</simpleAssociableChoice>
        <simpleAssociableChoice identifier="B2" matchMax="1">Invertebrate</simpleAssociableChoice>        
  <responseProcessing template=""/>

Drag the boxes to place each animal in the correct category.

  • Worms
  • Cats
  • Spiders
  • Lizards
  • Vertebrate
  • Invertebrate

Style example: <matchInteraction class="choices-bottom target-three-up source-three-up">

Match the following characters to the Shakespeare play they appeared in:
  • A Midsummer-Night's Dream
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • The Tempest
  • Capulet
  • Demetrius
  • Lysander
  • Prospero

Style example: <matchInteraction class="choices-left target-two-up source-one-up">

Match the following characters to the Shakespeare play they appeared in:
  • Capulet
  • Demetrius
  • Lysander
  • Prospero
  • A Midsummer-Night's Dream
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • The Tempest