Video with Closed Captions

When using a video within your item, you may include any number of WEBVTT-encoded Closed Caption tracks. Closed Caption tracks are defined via <param> tags:

<param name="captions;label:English;default:false;srclang:en" value="assets/texttrack-en.txt" valuetype="REF"/>

Description of These Attributes

  • captions: indicates a closed caption parameter.
  • label:{name}: {name} is the title of the closed captioning option (e.g., English). You may enter any meaningful title here.
  • default:{t/f}: {t/f} is 'true' or 'false' (e.g., false); indicates if the caption option should load on the video by default.
  • value={path}: {path} is the URL path to the caption file (e.g., "assets/texttrack-en.txt"). You can have multiple captions for the same video by repeating the <param> tag.
  • valuetype="REF": this indicates that the value (i.e., path) above is a reference-type value. This should not be changed.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
  adaptive="false" identifier="video-cc" timeDependent="false" 
  title="Big Buck Bunny video with Close Caption tracks" 
  <outcomeDeclaration baseType="float" cardinality="single" identifier="SCORE"/>
    <div class="row">
        <div class="span6">
                Here is a Big Buck Bunny video trailer with two different Closed Caption tracks: English and Japanese.  
                Use the video player's controls to turn the caption tracks (the "CC" button) on and off.

            <object data="assets/big_buck_bunny.mp4" id="myVideo" type="video/mp4">
                <param name="webmSource" value="assets/big_buck_bunny.webm" valuetype="REF"/>
                <param name="captions;label:English;default:false;srclang:en" value="assets/texttrack-en.txt" valuetype="REF"/>
                <param name="captions;label:Japanese;default:false;srclang:ja" value="assets/texttrack-jpn.txt" valuetype="REF"/>
            <p style="margin-top:10px;">
                This trailer, and the Big Buck Bunny project, is (c) copyright 2008, Blender Foundation /

Here is a Big Buck Bunny video trailer with two different Closed Caption tracks: English and Japanese. Use the video player's controls to turn the caption tracks (the "CC" button) on and off.

This trailer, and the Big Buck Bunny project, is (c) copyright 2008, Blender Foundation /