Gap Match - Cloning

Match interaction are those that operate in much the same way as multiple choice interaction, however the presentation is such that the student must move the items from an initial bay of selections into the proper bay locations. These interactions are the electronic kin to pen-and-paper matching questions where draw lines connecting items in a list on one side of the page to the corresponding items on the other side of the page.

A match interaction is comprised of two sets of of items (i.e., simpleAssociableChoice items) grouped within simpleMatchSet tags. The first set defines the draggers which will begin in a single origin bay. The second set defines the various target bays in which the draggers can be placed. Each dragger can be moved into a target bay to create a directedPair answer.

Starting with TN8 version 8.3, the draggers will maintain their initial order within the origin bay if they are removed from a target bay, dropped outside of the various defined bays, or returned to the origin bay.

gapMatchInteraction's in TN8 were completely revamped in the Fall of 2013, with much-improved usability and performance in comparison to earlier implementations. In addition to new gap styling options, you can also specify cloning rules for the gapText choices.

Note: With this implementation of gapMatchInteraction, a target gap may only hold up to one source dragger. You cannot override this setting.


You can specify cloning options for your source choices by adjusting the matchMax attribute of each gapText choice. Settings for matchMax follow standard QTI conventions:

  • matchMax="0" — means that you can create an unlimited number of cloned choices
  • matchMax="1" — indicates one choice
  • matchMax="2" — indicates two choices
  • etc.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<assessmentItem xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
adaptive="false" identifier="gapMatch-cloning" timeDependent="false" title="Richard III (Take 1) - Cloning"
  <responseDeclaration baseType="directedPair" cardinality="multiple" identifier="RESPONSE">
      <value>W G1</value>
      <value>Su G2</value>
    <mapping defaultValue="-1" lowerBound="0">
      <mapEntry mapKey="W G1" mappedValue="1" />
      <mapEntry mapKey="Su G2" mappedValue="2" />
  <outcomeDeclaration baseType="float" cardinality="single" identifier="SCORE" />
    <gapMatchInteraction responseIdentifier="RESPONSE">
      <prompt>Identify the missing words in this famous quote from
      Shakespeare's Richard III.</prompt>
      <gapText identifier="W" matchMax="0">winter</gapText>
      <gapText identifier="Sp" matchMax="2">spring</gapText>
      <gapText identifier="Su" matchMax="1">summer</gapText>
      <gapText identifier="A" matchMax="1">autumn</gapText>
        <p>Now is the <gap identifier="G1" class="gap-width-80px"/>of our discontent <br />
        Made glorious <gap identifier="G2" class="gap-width-80px"/>by this sun of York;<br />
        And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house<br />
        In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.</p>
  <responseProcessing template="" />

This demonstrates some cloning rules. Here are the rules for each gapText:

You may choose winter any number of times — matchMax="0"

You may choose spring twice — matchMax="2"

You may choose summer and autumn once each — matchMax="1"

Identify the missing words in this famous quote from Shakespeare's Richard III.
  • winter
  • spring
  • summer
  • autumn

Now is the of our discontent
Made glorious by this sun of York;
And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.